I can't even begin to explain how I felt when I was called to do this Seniors Photoshoot.

Meet Kaden. The sweetest most down to earth Gal I have met in a while. She is one of those beautiful people that have no clue just how beautiful they are. So sweet and humble. This chick is going places with that sweet soul of hers.

From a cheerleader during the week to a barrel racer on the weekends. Talk about two toally different hobbies. Most cheerleaders would not be caught dead with dirty fingernails, and most barrel racers would not have a Pom Pom anywhere near them. LOL

Let them choose.

Kaden's beautiful Mama gave her the reins, like literally, for this shoot. She got to pick all of her outfits and the location. That is what makes these types of sessions so special. The understanding that these are precious moments for the Seniors as well. They get to make the memories of their senior year. The last year before its time to start adulting. Love Valley is a special place to the whole family. They rodeo you see. So making that a part of her growing up was important to them. And let me tell you, I was happy to oblige!

That is one thing I had to learn about being a Mama and a Photographer. It's their memories they are capturing. They should have the pull. They should be aloud to make the majority of those decisions. It is so hard for us Mamas to let go. Because we know all too well that it will not be long and they will be on their own anyway. Oh the tears. Bitter sweet moments right here.